Vorherige VeranstaltungNächste Veranstaltung29.08.2008 bis 31.08.2008

11. Trabant Super Meeting Ceská Republika

16:00 Uhr

13:00 Uhr

GPS souradnice Loc: 49°24'31.725"N, 13°49'1.016"E12th mezinárodní Trabant meeting :29.8 - 31.8. 2008 "Vrbno u Blatne C.R.

Radek Zajíc: vzmotorsport@seznam.cz / +420774 353 601

Voraussichtliche Teilnehmeranzahl:


GPS souradnice
Loc: 49°24'31.725"N, 13°49'1.016"E
12th mezinarodni Trabant meeting :29.8 - 31.8. 2008 "Vrbno u Blatne C.R.

29.8 - 31.8. 2008

Where and when :

11. Trabant super meeting take place on 29.8 31.8.2008 v holiday camp ve Vrbno village, which is approximately 5 kilogram-hoøí hori metru far zbozny Blatna and 20 kilogram-hoøí hori metru far zbozny Strakonice (southern Bohemia). If you kroutil to book accommodation v bungalows (for 4 person) or poradat food is necessary to download application tvorit (it can downloaded zbozny below listed websites), fill it up za poslat it as at the latest up to 17th jemný. Indeed you can sign on after you came sem &shshnl but with risk that you won't get accommodation and tak on (amount of beds is limited). V this case you can sleep v tents (take your own please) which can be built very close to the centre of events. There chce be i s "skoro food" too tak that you can buy something to eat. You vzorkuje sign v until Saturday 30.8.2008 7:30 if you kroutilo to take pari v Saturdays competitions.

Za hore:
Friday 29.8.2008: 16:00 - 21:00 arrival and presence (sign on - 200Kc/person) , 18:00 - 19:00 dinner, 19:00 graceful drive and zbozny 21:00 TRABI disco

Saturday 30.8.2008: 6:00 - 7:30 presentation, 08:00 briefing with drivers, 9:00 1st competition (popular svine Rekni drive) , 11:00 - 12:00 lunch time, 13:00 SS and slalom (20km) , 18:00 - 19:00 dinner, and zbozny 20:30 announcement of winners and TRABI disco.


Radek Zajíc:
phone: +420607 805 382 or +420774 353 601
websites: www.trabantsraz.zde.cz
Stanislav Viktora:
phone: +420 608 372 585
websites: www.zavody.czweb.org
e Mail: wrc@blatna.net

Use pohrobni remittance for money sending - until 10.8.2008, please. Address:
Radek Zajíc, Manesova 1205, 386 01 Strakonice

vrazedna ve formaci you can najdi tedy on: www.trabime.cz

Price list:

Accommodation v bungalovu: 110 ,- Kc za 1person and night
Food za person and day: breakfast - 30Kc, lunch - 61Kc, dinner - 61Kc